
Having been bamboozled after the birth of our daughters by all the marketing as to what we needed. We thought it would be useful to let new parents benefit from the experience of parents who have come out the other side. We have thus surveyed our highly knowledgeable customers as to what they would buy if they were to do it all again. Here are the results.

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car seatessential 19%
useful 25%
limited 19%
not useful 21%
useless 15%
non votes 0%
Car Seat
Generally start of rear-facing for little ones, though you can get some that lie flat across the back of the car which is good for sleeping newborns. Many double as a baby-carrier as part of a pushchair/carseat combo.

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carrycotessential 18%
useful 28%
limited 20%
not useful 9%
useless 22%
non votes 0%
Good for getting from A to B, though if you have a light car seat, or are using a sling, or have a moses basket, or have a pushchair suitable from birth, you may not need one.

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collapsible strolleressential 18%
useful 20%
limited 20%
not useful 18%
useless 20%
non votes 0%
Collapsible Stroller
Lightweight, collapsible strollers are a great choice if you use public transport regularly and don't take up much space in the car. "Umbrella strollers" collapse in two dimensions very neatly and tidily. Generally only suitable for babies over 3 months as they don't lie flat.

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pramessential 15%
useful 19%
limited 19%
not useful 28%
useless 17%
non votes 0%
Prams allow your baby to lie flat as they get some fresh air, indulge in a bit of shopping or are gently rocked to sleep. Many convert into strollers for when your little one gets older. Many are part of a "travel system", combining a pushchair with a car seat. Today's prams are oh-so-much-smaller than the ones we grew up in, and not a patch on the sweeping elegance of 1950's style ones - but you don't need a mansion to keep one in.

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rattles, plastic teething keys, toys with lots of jingly bitsessential 19%
useful 25%
limited 25%
not useful 17%
useless 13%
non votes 0%
Rattles, Plastic Teething Keys, Toys With Lots Of Jingly Bits
Great for shaking and exploring and for chewing on,these types of toys seem to be perenially popular.

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slingsessential 13%
useful 18%
limited 18%
not useful 18%
useless 30%
non votes 0%
Although it's hard to do without them if you're living in Cambridge, the rest of the country seems somehow to survive without Ergos, Mai Tais, ring slings and large pieces of cloth. Great for keeping your little one close to you and great for transport when a pushchair is cumbersome. Experts cleverly breastfeed using them.

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